Dolls 4 All

Sell At Our Doll and Teddy Bear Shows

happy faceWe would love to welcome you as a vendor at any of our shows. With events in Washington, Oregon, & California, we have a large network of shows throughout the West.   We believe that a wide cross sections of dolls, teddy bears, miniatures, furniture, clothes and accessories, from antique to modern are essential for collectors to learn about what we do.

Collectors like nothing better than seeing what you have to sell in person and you will meet vendors in the local marketplace that will be interested in the items that you are offering.

It is easy to register. A PDF of the registration can be found on the Doll & Teddy Bear Events page under the event you are interested in and is available 6 months prior to the show. Simply print and send in, we’ll send you a confirmation with all of the show set-up details.

I’ll look forward to meeting you at the show!